Thank you for your interest in SSA. To get started, complete this online enrollment application. Students must be 5 years of age by September 5th to start Kindergarten. Make sure you complete this form for each student you are enrolling. New students for the remainder of the 2024-2025 cannot purchase curriculum through SSA.
Requirements for enrolling with SSA include:
Complete this form.
Upload the required registration documents when submitting this form (copy of birth certificate, health examination form (or waiver), certificate of immunization (or DH 681), and high school transcript (if applicale).
If documents are not uploaded upon registration, they are required within 30 days of registration.
Submit payment.
SSA does not participate in any state scholarship program.
Upload the required registration documents here:
Select the option below that matches your students grade level and enrollment/curriculum selection. For students utilizing SSA's asynchronous, online curriculum access will be emailed to students within 5-7 business days of registration. Tuition fees are due upon registration and are non-refundable.
Thanks for registering with SSA!! Please allow 5-7 business days for processing. Keep an eye on your inbox!