High School Diploma Requirements

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For incoming high school students, the high school diploma requirements are as follows.
Course Requirements:
4 credits in English Language Arts. This should include reading, writing, spelling, grammar and composition, literature, and speaking.
4 credits in Mathematics (one credit must be Algebra 1; one credit must be Geometry)
3 credits in Natural Science (one credit must be Biology 1; two credits must include a lab; two additional credits must be rigorous in comparison to Biology 1)
3 credits in Social Science (one credit must be in World History; one credit must be in U.S. History; one-half credit must be in U.S. Government; one-half credit must be in Economics with Financial Literacy)
1 credit in Fine or Performing Arts, Speech and Debate, or Practical Arts
1 credit in Physical Education/Health. This should include instruction on first-aid, safety, and fire prevention. CPR should also be included.
8 credits in Electives (two credits in Foreign Language are recommended for students who plan to go to college; 1 credit in Computer and Library Skills and 1 credit in Career and Education Planning are recommended)
*Note that if your student has an IEP or 504 plan or other documentation related to a disability or recommended learning accommodations, please notify SSA so that we can determine the best requirements needed for graduation. SSA offers both a modified high school diploma and a secondary education completion certificate.
Our online curriculum for Grades 9-12 provides effective and engaging online courses in all coure and elective subjects. High school students can complete courses on their own time, and have opportunity to follow their interests in course selection.

Honors High School Diploma
SSA assigns an honors designation upon graduates in the following categories:
Honors: 3.60 or higher GPA with at least 3 credits in honors courses during the high school years. At least one honors credit must be earned during the senior year.
High Honors: 3.75 or higher GPA, with at least 6 credits in honors courses during the high school years. At least one honors credit must be earned during the senior year.
Highest Honors: 3.90 or higher GPA with at least 10 credits in honors courses during the high school years. At least 2 credits must be earned during the senior year.