Elementary Students
Grades K-5
Students in grades K-5 take the following courses each year:
English Language Arts (students should be reading by the end of K/beginning of 1st grade). This should include reading, writing, spelling, grammar and composition, literature, and speaking.
Social Studies (options include Civics, Citizenship, U.S. History, U.S. Constitution, Geography, Economics, U.S. Government, State Government, State History)
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Middle School Students
Grades 6-8
Students in grades 6-8 take the following courses.
3 credits in English Language Arts. This should include reading, writing, spelling, grammar and composition, literature, and speaking.
3 credits in Mathematics
3 credits in Science
3 credits in Social Studies. One (1.0) credit must be in Civics (Additional options include but are not limited to U.S. History, Geography, State Government, State History)
1.5 credits in Physical Education/Health. This should include instruction on first-aid, safety, and fire prevention. CPR should also be included
3 credits in elective courses
Our online curriculum for Grades K-2 includes all core courses with an emphasis in early reading and math skills. Lessone sare presented in a fun, engaging, and game-based format. Our online curriculum for Grades 3-8 provides effective and engaging online courses in all coure and elective subjects.